Buli x You

Are you looking for fashionable and durable clothing for your company?

We help your company to emphasize the visibility of its own product and brand.

Let's take your brand to the next level!

Our operation aims at the end level, where our customers get a timeless product in addition to the best quality. Our responsible supply chain, from design to delivery of the product, is designed to be fast, because we want to meet the needs of our partners according to their schedule now and in the future.

Buli is a supplier that believes in quality and responsibility, and designs unique clothes for everyone. Together with our customers we design custom artwork for the clothes. 

Feel free to contact us and let's start working together!

At the moment we can offer you:

OVERSIZE: T-shirt, hoodie, sweatshirt and cropped t-shirt.

REGULAR FIT: T-shirt, sweatpants and shorts.

All of our business products are:

Designed in Finland

Made in Portugal

100 % organic cotton

Contact us: info@bulistore.com